Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Happy Friendship Day to all of you!!
Life is really getting uncertain and unpredictable day by day....What may happen the next moment I breathe is not known...Deaths, accidents, diseases, close friends about to change their orkut status to committed and its sounding over even before it's about to begin, broken marriages, compromising marriages, corporate politics...its all around me now.
A pal asked me once do we deserve pain in life or should there be a state of constant bliss...?
Another pal asked me, why do we always have to compromise and adjust? Why don't others adjust to us atleast a few times in life?
Another question, in a typical arranged marriage matrimonial setting interview: What is the level of committment that can be expected of you in family?
Don't have answers to all of the above...........
Another yorker from somebody really inseparable: "She never voices her feelings. I always wonder what's on her mind!!!"For a change, I had a reply ready.."As if you ever cared to understand my silence...."
So many people have such ideal life...I wonder what it takes to reach there?...I think all the above answer my question...God knows why I don't do what I should...I think there is a differnce between what I am doing and what I wish to ....Is there? I am not feeling sorry for myself..feeling horrible about just letting 25 years pass by.....
On this friendship day...getting nostalgic of all the memories of school friends and a few of my close friends...nobody is around ...everything is drifting apart.....It had to happen someday and it has....Let go of it all....Have been clutching to all of it since long..........