Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hi folks!!!!!don't worry...i am not advertising Idea!!!!just that blogging was an idea that struck me at this hour past to blogging so bear with me till I get used to it which I promise will not be too long..
My web address..funny though reason for it being so was I was too sick to keep checking availability of names on this blogging site....another just got a meaning to it, although after some time....Wish the World Was a little less Ccomplicated...i wonder sometimes that how often we are struck with thoughts that are so so inconsequential in our lives. We are in our 100% conscious mind when we are occupied by such thoughts but just can't help avoid them....Whether its the boss at work or some assignment at class or heard something not so OK about ourselves from some third person????? How much of it really does affect our direction in life? I am sure a very minimal portion of it.....People whom we think so much about and clutter our minds with their thoughts...are they even worth it???...For me and my life, I try and care less about such thoughts and such people who care damn about me and my thoughts...But all said and done is difficult...
Life is definitely a maze....dunno which point to enter where and how to come out of it...Why is the future so unknown to us? Why is there always a conflict of choices, conflict of opinions while making decisions that affect our life and our goals? Why do we have to struggle hard to make decisions and then after a few years feel good or bad about the decisions that we made years ago? When we have clear headed goals in life, I am sure there will be few people supporting us and more people bickering about our choices..Why? Why do people add to confusion if they can't solve a few? Why do we struggle to get the support we want in life? I don't know if any of us have answers to this question....That's why simply stated Life is a Confusion!!!!!
I think my first post is getting too heavy on the mind, body as well as the would end here but would keep posting definitely!!!!Cheers everybody!!

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