Saturday, November 1, 2008

Just updates!!!

I had been wanting since quite sometime to go to a astrologer..Wanted to know where my stars are headed..Is there any conflict between what I want to do and what the stars want me to do :-)...Here was an oppotunity..there was a Diwali mela organized in our office where things like Fortune with parrot, bangle making, puppet shows and sorts of stalls for entertainment had been put up!!

Of all the things on earth that day, I had to get the parrot decide how my future is going to be!!...That parrot made a total popat out of me. It said all things which I din't want to hear..The thing that it kept repeating was..."Your time has gone for all things that you wanted to do"....Horrible!! But true it was...

Ya, one good thing that I have done is register myself for further studies. Finally I took the plunge. Have been wanting to get my passport done, and have been wandering for a passport agent since ages!! God knows where on earth will I find one. Where are you soul ??:-)
Today morning, seen a girl of almost my age talking to her mom over the phone. She was so completely at ease while talking to her. I think I can't even talk to friend like that. That was a very sweet conversation. I was reading a book but somehow that conversation made me feel something different within me. Can't explain but it was more at my being a very typical introvert and I feel I have worsened over the last year in terms of my communication skills.
Reached office. Business reports had not been updated. A Senior Manager (M*) called me and was just understanding why they had failed to be updated. I gave some gyaan that due to month end, there is lot of load on the
Then he happened to be a Jain as I am. This is the conversation:
M*: Are you a Shwetambar/Digambar Jain?
Me: (Was thinking..what is the relevance of this conversation with reports not being updated or for that matter at 9'0 clock in the morning) ..Errr....I Errrr.....Shwetambar....(Was still thinking..why this question)
M*: Oh tht's good, Even I am a Shwetambar....Where do you sit? (He sits at other location of our office)
Me: I replied **
M* Will meet you when I come there.
Me: Okie. Thanks Ciao!!!
I was still wondering what was with religion here? Why is religion so important... I agree it's an identity and all tth jazz...but still...But i know for sure, there is a lot of religious bias when interviewers hire people. Although don't know why!! Or may be the marathi manoos stories have gone to people's heart and they just find solace that they are not alone :-)...Ok I don't care much!!
Ciao!!!Bye. Take care!!
Am in a foul mood after coming from an equally boring day at work..(which day isn't boring afterall at office!!).Fought with mom, once again for the same reason.."that we haven't been on a holiday ever since I was a kid". I don't know how rude I was, but yes I was mad and she did cry... But I really care less, because I know I am not too demanding. Dad, once again, his usual self--"Let's go to our hometown, that's the best place". This made me all the more mad!

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