Monday, October 8, 2007

...I m just talking, do I need a title?

Hi, everybody!!!!!

I have certain random thoughts floating across my mind since....i think more than 2-3 years. But never tried to ask anybody because I fear the answers actually...

- Is it required of us to give our closes pals the required space when they are about to venture into a different arena of life? It could be anything- further studies, very distant from you; a new job- again possibly distant from you or simple - marriage. or is it ok for us to intrude every now and then into their new lives? Remember you are the closest pals so you have a choice. I don't know what's right- to give space or not to. Like a typical management student , I would say "Depends".
But as a human being, I would say I have gone and given them so much space that friends come back and say, "hey, how can you forget me so soon?" It's not about forgetting a best friend, can never happen..never, not even when you are running at 65.... It's just about letting their lives be.....

But, if the person doesn't turn back to you ever in life, then ya he/she has definitely forgotten you and there comes the test of friendship. What do you do? You also forget them or you keep them in your heart forever or just let go.....You feel hurt...too much. Suppose that person never turns back, but u try and reach out to him/her because u want to share a day's trouble with him/her , but you get such a cold response...there is no warmth in the voice...there is no connectivity of thought....there is sound of being busy.....there is no comfort...u feel it would have been so much better , had u not called up at all!!!!!!!!!!

I think, I was wrong, by giving space, I went to an extent of disconnecting them from my life at the cost of hurting myself. This is how relationships enter into trouble and die an untimely death, which again causes problems for too many people not just you..... and it takes a zillion efforts to get them back on track but there are again chances of derailment.....

But ya, if my friends are reading this blog, here's to say, even if I haven't come back to you guys, u r in my heart forever..ready to lend a ear anytime....

I am sure most of you will feel that you should just remain normal irrespective of the change in other person's life, that is the strength of friendship. Wonder, how many of us are in touch with the all our school and college best friends, as we used to call them? I am glad, I still have at least a few still today. It's difficult guys, agree or disagree...really difficult....

Many such random thoughts, sometimes take a toll on me...will keep posting to make my mind a bit clutter free.....thanks

1 comment:

sst said...

hey lemme clear your confusion on giving space to friends.
If the friend is very close, u need not give any space. In fact the friend (eg. me) might feel offended that you r not concerned with new things happening. some people like me have the habit of talking things out.
As for the other category who need space, i feel will on their own distance themselves when you even begin getting into their lives.Just the initial reaction and you should step back.Then dont pry.
According to me u can easily make out the difference between both catogories.
Bahut gyaan ho gaya. Bye tc.